#Netflix Maestro

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#incremental processing
7 months ago
Data science

Incremental Processing using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg

Incremental processing reduces compute resources and execution time by only processing newly added or updated data.
Netflix is building an incremental processing solution using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg to address challenges in workflows. [ more ]
7 months ago
Data science

Incremental Processing using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg

Incremental processing reduces compute resources and execution time by only processing newly added or updated data.
Netflix is building an incremental processing solution using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg to address challenges in workflows. [ more ]
7 months ago
Data science

Incremental Processing using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg

Incremental processing reduces compute resources and execution time by only processing newly added or updated data.
Netflix is building an incremental processing solution using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg to address challenges in workflows. [ more ]
7 months ago
Data science

Incremental Processing using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg

Incremental processing reduces compute resources and execution time by only processing newly added or updated data.
Netflix is building an incremental processing solution using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg to address challenges in workflows. [ more ]
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